Exposed RESTFul API

In the Pandora.js, we provided a batch of built-in EndPoints, the data of those EndPoints has exposed via HTTP. Each EndPoint can have a resource implementation to expose itself to outside via HTTP. The resource HTTP server has been created by koa and koa-router.

Common behavior

All API can access via http://127.1:7002/, such like curl http://127.1:7002/info. It only listen on loopback address (, cannot access from outside, so that means no safety problem.

All RESTFul resource APIs are packaged by a uniform data structure, the origin data is in the data field.

	data: {
      // xxxx
	success: false,	// true or false
	message: 'some fail message'

Each resource API can pass the appName parameter to access data for a specific application.

GET /error?appName=yourAppName
GET /metris/list?appName=yourAppName

List some common resources

The Pandora.js have some built-in EndPoints and Resources by default( see more about the default config file of the Pandora.js ).

The data form the resource API could be not completely same with below, the data result will be changed depending on the current executing indicators.

Notice: All results of the resources listed below has been removed the wrapper, to show only the part of the data field.


Expose some data of the daemon.

GET /daemon

    "cwd": "xxx",
    "pid": 12321,
    "uptime": 232,
    "loadedGlobalConfigPaths": [


Expose some data of the InfoEndPoint, response some information such as appName.

GET /info

    "appName": "xxx",
    "appDir": "xxxx",
    "node": {
      "node": "8.9.1",
      "alinode": "2.3.0",
      "versions": {
        "http_parser": "2.7.0",
        "node": "6.9.4",
        "v8": "",
        "uv": "1.9.1",
        "zlib": "1.2.8",
        "ares": "1.10.1-DEV",
        "icu": "57.1",
        "modules": "48",
        "openssl": "1.0.2j"
      "features": {
        "debug": false,
        "uv": true,
        "ipv6": true,
        "tls_npn": true,
        "tls_alpn": true,
        "tls_sni": true,
        "tls_ocsp": true,
        "tls": true


Expose some data of the HealthEndPoint, just did some simple formatting.

GET /health

  "status": "DOWN",
  "disk_space": {
    "status": "UP"
  "port": {
    "status": "DOWN"


Expose some data of the ErrorEndPoint, Provide a ability to access the application's errors.

GET /error

    "method": "error",
    "timestamp": 1346846400,
    "errType": "TypeError",
    "message": "Cannot read property 'name' of null",
    "stack": "2017-11-29 15:01:20   Error: read ECONNRESET",
    "traceId": "1231455",
    "path": "/xxx/xx.log"


Expose some data of the ProcessEndPoint.

GET /process

    "pid": "72795",
    "title": "/Users/harry/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.4/bin/node",
    "argv": [
    "execArgv": [],
    "execPath": "/Users/harry/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.4/bin/node",
    "cpu": 4.6,
    "memory": 90796032,
    "uptime": 267.667


Expose some data of the MetricsEndPoint.

Notice: The interfaces of the MetricsResource not only this one.

  1. List all the metrics, this API will not filter the result, it will response all the indicator of all the metrics.
GET /metrics/list

	"metric": "sys.cpu.nice",
	"timestamp": 1346846400,
    "value": 18,
    "type": "COUNTER",
    "level": "CRITICAL",
    "tags": {
   	  "host": "web01",
      "dc": "lga"
  1. List a specific group of the metrics, such as the data of the system group, /metrics/system.
GET /metrics/:group

	"metric": "sys.cpu.nice",
	"timestamp": 1346846400,
    "value": 18,
    "type": "COUNTER",
    "level": "CRITICAL",
    "tags": {
   	  "host": "web01",
      "dc": "lga"


Expose some data of the TraceEndPoint.

GET /trace

    "timestamp": "1511977377963",
    "appName": "DEFAULT_APP",
    "traceId": "1e084d5515118598316151001dd73d",
    "duration": 139,
    "pid": "23131",
    "ip": "",
    "spans": [
        "name": "http",
        "startMs": 1511859831616,
        "duration": 138,
        "context": {
          "traceId": "1e084d5515118598316151001dd73d",
          "spanId": "6f0f2be0d9e9a9e9"
        "references": [],
        "tags": {
          "http.method": {
            "value": "GET",
            "type": "string"
          "http.url": {
            "value": "/",
            "type": "string"
          "http.client": {
            "value": false,
            "type": "bool"
          "rpc_type": {
            "value": 0,
            "type": "number"
          "http.status_code": {
            "type": "number",
            "value": 200
        "logs": [],

Custom RESTFul Resource

The Resource has some base type, show in below, only the prefix field and the route method is required.

export interface ActuatorResource {
  prefix: string;

Here is a simple implementation class, in the constructor method, accept an endPointService to get the EndPoint that was enabled. The interface can be exposed by the route method.

The prefix field is the prefix of the route, you must define the route prefix on each different resource to avoid conflict.

export class ErrorResource implements ActuatorResource {

  prefix = '/error';

  endPointService: EndPointService;

  constructor(endPointService) {
    this.endPointService = endPointService;

  route(router) {

    const errorEndPoint = this.endPointService.getEndPoint('error');

    router.get('/', async (ctx, next) => {
      try {
        ctx.ok(await errorEndPoint.invoke(ctx.query['appName']));
      } catch (err) {;
      await next();

We provide a method for the koa2 context ctx to quickly response the standard data structure, through the method ok() and the method fail() will easily to response your own result.

The standard data structure show in below:

	data: {
      // xxxx
	success: false,	// true or false
	message: 'some fail message'

There also need to load those implementations into the configuration of the Pandora.js, the specific format show in below:

actuator: {
    endPoints: {
      info: {
        enabled: true,
        target: InfoEndPoint,
        resource: InfoResource,
      process: {
        enabled: true,
        target: ProcessEndPoint,
        resource: ProcessResource,

Each Resource can only be placed at the corresponding endpoint level, at present the EndPoint and Resource are all corresponding. You cannot only create the Resource to expose a RESTFul API.

Last Updated: 9/19/2018, 2:35:44 PM