
The pandora.js provides some useful CLI commands, show in below:

  • init
  • start
  • stop
  • restart
  • list
  • log
  • ps
  • exit
  • dev

init - Initiate a Pandora.js project

pandora init <filePath> --name customName

Quick generate procfile.js.

  1. <filePath> required, the path of the entry file.
  2. --name optional, the process name for the fork mode.


$ pandora init ./app.js
? Which type do you like to generate ? (Use arrow keys)
❯ fork 
** The procfile.js was auto generated to location /xx/xx/procfile.js **

start - Start an application at the background

pandora start [path] --name urAppName --env="NODE_ENV=production" --node-args="--expose-gc"

The often used command, to start an application at the background.

  1. [path] Required, project directory, by default as the working directory.
  2. --name=urAppName Optional, for specify the name of the application, by default as the name in package.json or last part of the working directory path.
  3. --env="NODE_ENV=production" Optional, for specify the environmental variables, it can got by process.env.
  4. --node-args="--expose-gc" Optional, for specify the Node.js execArgv.
  5. --args="--a=b" Optional, for specify the args of the Node.js application.


# Working dir is  /home/admin/mytaobao/target/mytaobao ( suppose there is no name in package.json )

pandora start # Start application mytaobao, such as --name=mytaobao
pandora start . --name mytaobao # Same as above
pandora start `pwd` # Same as above

stop - stop an application

Notice: Only the application that start by start command can stop by this command

pandora stop [appName]

stop an application.

  1. [appName] Optional, for specify the name of the application, by default as the name in package.json or last part of the working directory path.


pandora stop mytaobao # mytaobao is the name that was previously started, and if you did't specified a name, that will automatically get name as well as start.

restart - Restart an application

pandora restart [appName]

Equivalent to pandora stop and then pandora start.

  1. [appName] Optional, for specify the name of the application, by default as the name in package.json or last part of the working directory path.


pandora restart mytaobao # mytaobao is the name that was previously started, and if you did't specified a name, that will automatically get name as well as start.

list - List all running applications

Notice: The dev command will not start the daemon process, this command cannot get the information of it.

pandora list

List all applications, example as below:


log - View logs

pandora log [appName] --follow --lines --full --daemon
  1. [appName] Optional, for specify the name of the application, by default as the name in package.json or last part of the working directory path.
  2. --follow Optional, alias as -f, just like tail -f.
  3. --lines Optional, alias as -l, output the last few lines, by default as 50.
  4. --full Optional, output all logs.
  5. --daemon Optional, output logs of the daemon process.

ps - View processes tree

pandora ps <appName>
  1. <appName> Required, the name of the application.

exit - Quit the Pandora.js

Complete exit of the Pandora.js process, and stop all running applications.

pandora exit

dev - Start an application at front

Notice: this command will not start the daemon process, the list command cannot get the information of it.

pandora dev [path] --name urAppName --env="NODE_ENV=production" --node-args="--expose-gc"

Start an application at front without the daemon process, logs output to stdout directly. It is mostly used for local debugging, the parameters similar with the start command.

  1. [path] Required, project directory, by default as the working directory.
  2. --name=urAppName Optional, for specify the name of the application, by default as the name in package.json or last part of the working directory path.
  3. --env="NODE_ENV=production" Optional, for specify the environmental variables, can got by process.env.
  4. --node-args="--expose-gc" Optional, for specify the Node.js execArgv.
  5. --args="--a=b" Optional, for specify the args of the Node.js application.
Last Updated: 9/19/2018, 2:35:44 PM